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7 Effective Tips in Taking Exams

Fill in the blanks, simplify, enumeration... Sounds familiar? these are some of the categories in examinations.

          I have encountered different kinds of test maybe it short quizzes, long test, entrance exam etc.

          When I was in grade 6, I took an acceleration exam since I was a little late in a year. I passed it and I became 2nd year high school right away.

          In my high school graduation, since I got the highest grade (GWA) among classmates (even though I was not in a cream section), I was given a chance to be included in the honorable mentions. I took the tests and passed those so I managed to be one of the honorable mentions.

          I am also a Civil Service Passer and I have come across to some job examinations.

          Some of the people I know seem to wonder why I always manage to pass exams. That's why I decided to share some tips to help students or anyone who needs it.

7 Effective Tips In Taking Exams.

1.) Listen and take some notes

        Whenever there's a new lesson, make sure to listen attentively to your teacher and take some notes like terms or any words that are very important. It's like... at the very first encounter of the lesson, get the gist out of it. You don't need to write everything that the lecturer is saying. You just need to understand the lesson- get the essence.

          If you do this, it will help you to remember the lesson right away when you are studying. Reviewing will be a piece of cake!

2.) Acronyms

        The oldest technique in remembering list of names, terms, ideas. This always come in handy when you are answering the enumeration part.

3.) Research

         Don't just be dependent to your teacher. There are lots of sources out there! You may surf the internet or search some books . Whenever you meet new lessons, try to search some additional information. This will help you to have a clearer and wider view of the topics.

 4.) Take a break

         After 1 hour of study, you need to take a short break. You may watch T.V. for 15-20 minutes or listen to the radio, play with your pet or take a nap - anything that will make you relax.

5.) Eat Chocolate

        Chocolates contain Flavonoids that help to improve blood flow to the brain in young and adult alike. This will help you to focus and boost your memory.

6.) Practice

        After yo have reviewed your lessons. You need to test yourself. You may ask your sister or classmate, like a practice buddy, to ask you some questions if you still remember the important terms or names in your lesson.

        The other way is to make your own test and answer it later. Get a piece of paper, put some questions there, number it 1-50- the first part is fill in the blanks, the second part is enumeration and so on. It's all up to you how you will do it.

        Just a reminder, don't bring your DIY exam in school because it might be thought to be something else.

7.)  Pray

        The most important thing is to pray. After you already have done your best in studying/ reviewing your lessons, ask God, our Father in heaven, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit to remember all things you have studied, to answer the questions correctly.

        As the saying goes, "God gives mercy to those who help themselves"( Nasa Diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa).

      So there you have it. 7 effective tips in taking exams. These are effective tips because I have already tested them and they always work.

      Just always give your best shot whenever you take any kind of exam. Good luck to your next exam!


Proverbs 3: 5-6

(5)Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not in your own understanding, (6) in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.

